Subject: maxima is more than 500 times slower than maple
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 12:37:20 -0400
I'm afraid
I can't spend much time looking at your problem, but just glancing at your
code, I wonder why you're doing things like ratsimp( subst (...) ) and
expand(...result of calc...) instead of using rational-function
representation (CRE) throughout your code.
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:16 AM, Dmitry Shkirmanov <piminusmeson at>wrote:
> Hello, list. I have to verify the Lorentz structure of some quantity. I
> wrote a wxmaxima program to do this. The program was running about 20
> hours, but gave no answer, so i just killed it.
> In laboratory i have access to the maple. The SAME program written on
> maple gave answer in 1.5 minutes.
> I have written a test subroutine to compare evaluation time on both
> systems, see (%i 19) maxima cell and next to last maple cell.
> Maple takes about 0.5 seconds to run the cell, while maxima takes about
> 250 seconds to do the same (the outputs are the same, so there is no
> mistake here).
> The wxmaxima and maple files are attached.
> So, what is going on here, why maxima is so slow?
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