svg file containing non ascii character with draw on windows

El vie, 26-04-2013 a las 08:52 +0200, jfr.maurel at escribi?:
> This does not seem to work for me.

> s1:gr2d(file_name="c1",
>          user_preamble = "set encoding locale",
>          terminal='svg,
>          dimensions=[300,300],
>          font="Courier New",
>          font_size=10,
>          key="102Cr6",
>          explicit(f102Cr6(x),x,xmin,xmax),
>          key="90MnCrV8",
>          color="red",
>          explicit(f90MnCrV8(x),x,xmin,xmax),
>          title="durete = f(temp?rature de revenu)",
>          xlabel="Tr (degC)",
>          ylabel="durete (HRC)"
> )$
> draw(s1)$

Since you are working on a Windows system, try

user_preamble = "set encoding iso_8859_1"

and let me know what happens.

I don't have a Windows environment to test it myself.
