ODEs, Taylor Series

Thanks for the reference--it allowed me to recall a BYTE article on Taylor methods for ODEs. Sometime ago there was a
thread about Taylor methods--I wasn't able to come up with the reference:

       AUTHOR = "Chang, Y. F.",
       TITLE = "The {ATOMCC} Toolbox",
       JOURNAL = "BYTE",
       VOLUME = "11",
       NUMBER = "4",
       YEAR = "1986",
       PAGES = "215--224",
       REFERRED = "[Corliss1988AoD].",
       KEYWORDS = "point algorithm; Taylor series; automatic differentiation.",
       ABSTRACT = "ATOMCC is a pre-processor which accepts a Fortran-like statement of a system of
         ordinary differential equations and writes a Fortran object program which is run later to solve the
         system. The object program uses recurrence relations to generate the series and a radius of
         convergence analysis to choose a stepsize which controls the local error. The program also solves
         stiff systems. It runs on IBM PC compatible computers up to large mainframes."} 



I came across this paper  (dedicated to memory of Wm Schelter!)
