@var just became @mvar in the texinfo documentation

Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
> Has anyone tried building with, say, the German translation?  This
> doesn't work for me anymore.  The maxima-index.lisp file is not
> created, and this causes an error in maxima-local.  Reconfiguring
> without enabling the translations works fine, though.

Oh, drat. That's my fault: I thought I'd tested with the other languages
but apparently not. I've just pushed three changes that revert the (in
hindsight rather silly) mvar nonsense.

Everything builds properly again[*], thank goodness... Sorry for the


[*] Well, except for two existing warnings in the German
    documentation. One is caused by @ss{}, which looks like it might be
    a bug in texi2html and one is about a broken ref to "factors_only",
    whose documentation hasn't been translated.
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