>>>>> "andre" == andre maute <andre.maute at gmx.de> writes:
andre> On 05/13/2013 06:51 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Dennis" == Dennis J Darland <student at dennisdarland.com> writes:
Dennis> The complicated casse does ok.
Dennis> The f(x) case hangs.
>> I don't think any one is disputing that the f(x) case hangs on your
>> system. What would be interesting to see is if it still hangs when
>> you update your 5.24 version of maxima to something newer if possible.
andre> I did the following
andre> ------ taylor.max -----
andre> display2d : false;
andre> integrate(taylor(f(x),x,a,1),x);
andre> ------ taylor.max -----
andre> and killed maxima after a minute.
andre> My Maxima is compiled from sources,
andre> SBCL is the Fedora package.
andre> Maxima 5.29.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
Ah, so it seems 5.29.1 is not new enough. Maybe 5.30 will work
better? Or maybe it's only fixed in git right now?