teaching Maxima logarithms

Many thanks to Daniel and Stavros for their replies. 

Using %log10 to rename log(10) is a little awkward. I'm actually trying to
*prevent* seeing log(10) or log(base n) in my output.  I appreciate that
they call it the natural log for a reason, but for many engineering
calculations log10 always comes into play.

I tried out Stavros'
Functions and they work wonderfully for solving
  log10(x) + 3 = log10(x+1)
And probably other examples. It doesn't help me solve 
  y = log10(x)

So now I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on what to read for teaching
Maxima new tricks. One place to look seems like the Rules and Patterns
section in the Maxima manual. I haven't seen much on functions and inverse
