share testsuite doesn't finish + logmabs defective.

The share testsuite doesn't run to completion--we really need to fix that.

In revising the code that integrates x^n, I noticed that logmabs returns an unsimplified expression; example:

  (%i4) integrate(1/(2+x^3),x);
  (%o4) atan((2*x-2^(1/3))/(2^(1/3)*sqrt(3)))/(2^(2/3)*sqrt(3)) +log(x+2^(1/3))/(3*2^(2/3))-log(x^2-2^(1/3)*x+(2^(1/3))^2)/(3*2^(5/3))

  (%i5) expand(%,0,0);
  (%o5) -log(x^2-2^(1/3)*x+2^(2/3))/(3*2^(5/3)) +atan((2*x-2^(1/3))/(2^(1/3)*sqrt(3)))/(2^(2/3)*sqrt(3)) +log(x+2^(1/3))/(3*2^(2/3))

Fixing this bug introduced five  testsuite errors--likely all these are all bugs were covered up with an additional expand, ratsimp, or ... :(
