Simplification question


I didn't think I could stare at info document parsing for any longer
this evening, so I was looking at something else when I came across the
following "bug"(?).

Tracing SIMPLIFYA, SIMPNCT and SIMPTIMES, I get the following two

    MAXIMA> (simplifya '((mtimes) $a ((mnctimes))) t)
        1: (SIMPTIMES ((MTIMES) $A ((MNCTIMES))) 1 T)
        1: SIMPTIMES returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
      0: SIMPLIFYA returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
    MAXIMA> (simplifya '((mtimes) $a ((mnctimes))) nil)
        1: (SIMPTIMES ((MTIMES) $A ((MNCTIMES))) 1 NIL)
          2: (SIMPLIFYA $A NIL)
          2: SIMPLIFYA returned $A
          2: (SIMPLIFYA ((MNCTIMES)) NIL)
            3: (SIMPNCT ((MNCTIMES)) 1 NIL)
              4: (SIMPLIFYA NIL NIL)
              4: SIMPLIFYA returned NIL
              4: (SIMPLIFYA NIL NIL)
              4: SIMPLIFYA returned NIL
            3: SIMPNCT returned 1
          2: SIMPLIFYA returned 1
        1: SIMPTIMES returned $A
      0: SIMPLIFYA returned $A

The second does what I expected. But the first confused me and I wonder
whether I've misunderstood the "flag" argument to simplifya. What I
*thought* it means when true is "Resimplify everything in the
expression, whether or not it has a SIMP flag in its CAR already". But
this clearly isn't what SIMPTIMES is doing, so maybe I've got myself

The reason I actually came across this is that I was hoping for a
"unitality" property for ncmul:

    MAXIMA> (ncmul '$a '((mnctimes)))
        1: (SIMPNCT ((MNCTIMES) $A ((MNCTIMES))) 1 T)
          2: (MUL2 $A ((MNCTIMES)))
            3: (SIMPLIFYA ((MTIMES) $A ((MNCTIMES))) T)
              4: (SIMPTIMES ((MTIMES) $A ((MNCTIMES))) 1 T)
              4: SIMPTIMES returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
            3: SIMPLIFYA returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
          2: MUL2 returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
        1: SIMPNCT returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)
      0: SIMPLIFYA returned ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MNCTIMES)) $A)

I was expecting $A as a return value. Note that

    MAXIMA> (mul '$a '((mtimes)))
      0: (MUL2 $A ((MTIMES)))
        1: (SIMPLIFYA ((MTIMES) $A ((MTIMES))) T)
          2: (SIMPTIMES ((MTIMES) $A ((MTIMES))) 1 T)
          2: SIMPTIMES returned $A
        1: SIMPLIFYA returned $A
      0: MUL2 returned $A

does do what I expected.

Am I just misunderstanding what's supposed to happen or have I found a
bug in a corner case?

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