On 28/05/2013 1:52 PM, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> If I want to solve the ivp
> y' = y(1-y), y(0)=1/2
> (a logistic equation), I can use either
> ic1(ode2('diff(y,x)=y*(1-y),y,x),x=0,y=1/2);
> or
> ic1(contrib_ode('diff(y,x)=y*(1-y),y,x),x=0,y=1/2);
> both of which give me as a solution
> log(y)-log(y-1) = x - log(2) - log(-1/2)
> instead of
> y = exp(x)/(exp(x)+1).
> I can obtain this solution by some fiddling with Maxima's output, but
> is there any way of obtaining the "correct" solution directly?
> Thanks,
> Alasdair
Not easily :-(. I couldn't find a good, general solution when I wrote
contrib_ode, so I gave up.