There appears to be a lot of irrelevant detail in your query. Could you
please provide a *minimal reproducible example* of your problem?
Otherwise we have to guess at what the real problem is. This wastes our
time and yours (because we may be addressing the wrong problem).
My guess is that the kernel of your problem is something like
ex: exp(x)*sum(exp(j*k*x),j,0,5)$
When I try integrate(ex,x,a,b), I get a sequence of 5 questions similar to
the ones you're seeing.
Is that right?
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 6:17 PM, Ben Blomberg <bblomberg at>wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to use "Integrate" but Maxima when I run my code the terminal
> asks me dozens of times if values are zero or non zero. Here is from the
> Xmaxima console "Is 1554208430 phi + 1459173 %pi zero or non zero?".
> phi is a variable I plot over with values from 0 to 0.0015. x is my
> variable of integration. everything else (eigenfunctionsort, hbar1, c1, dp
> etc...) has a numerical value.
> *for n:1 thru 11 do for j:1 thru 21 do
> v[n,j]:1/sqrt(dp)*(sum(eigenfunctionsort[n,j][m+11]*exp(%i*2*%pi*m*x/dp),m,-10,10));
> *
> *
> *
> *define(P(a,b),integrate( v[6,1]*exp((-%i)*(10)*phi/(hbar1*c1)*x),x,a,b));
> *
> *plot2d((((1/sqrt(dp))*P(-dp/2,dp/2))^2),[phi,0,0.0015]);*
> *
> *
> I am eventually asked if phi is zero or non zero and I am not sure what to
> put as it will have a range of values starting at zero. How can I get
> maxima to integrate with this variable phi without getting tripped up and
> asking if dozens of values containing phi are is zero or non zero?
> Best,
> Ben
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