question re emacs mode

On 2013-05-30, richard fell <fell at> wrote:

> I am trying with fedora 18 to get the maxima mode working in emacs. 
> According to information I have found there should be a directory such 
> as /usr/share/maxima-5.29.1/emacs but I do not find one after 
> installation. Am I missing something obvious?

Well, you could try 'locate imaxima.el' and then put whatever directory
you find into your .emacs. I guess the result depends on how Maxima was
packaged and installed.

For the record, my .emacs says:

(push "/usr/share/maxima/5.30.0/emacs" load-path)
(autoload 'imaxima "imaxima" "Image support for Maxima." t)

I installed Maxima from the same rpms as are now advertised on the
Sourceforge download page.


Robert Dodier