With commits from today, the share testsuite runs to completion with 17 errors. Let me guess that the errors
in test-lu, test-matrix-exp, and test-cholesky are due to circa January 2013 changes to the matrix
inversion code. Likely many of these errors could be squashed by setting ratmx to true--I'll look
into a fix.
Somebody should look at the three rtest_interpol.mac errors.
Error summary:
Errors found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/numeric/rtest_interpol.mac, problems:
(11 12 13)
Error found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/linearalgebra/test-cholesky.mac, problem:
Errors found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/linearalgebra/test-lu.mac, problems:
(35 38 41)
Errors found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/linearalgebra/test-matrixexp.mac, problems:
(20 21 22 35 36 37 38)
Errors found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/stringproc/rtestprintf.mac, problems:
(27 54)
Error found in c:/maxima-git-2/maxima-code/share/contrib/integration/rtest_abs_integrate.mac, problem:
17 tests failed out of 3,255 total tests.
took 326,696 milliseconds (326.696 seconds) to run.
14,352 milliseconds ( 14.352 seconds, 4.39%) of which was spent in GC.
During that period, and with 4 available CPU cores,
308,180 milliseconds (308.180 seconds) were spent in user mode
9,251 milliseconds ( 9.251 seconds) were spent in system mode
13,518,195,960 bytes of memory allocated.