CSV testsuite failure BIGFLOAT-IMPL:EXPT

>>>>> "David" == David Billinghurst <dbmaxima at gmail.com> writes:

    David> On 3/06/2013 12:58 AM, David Billinghurst wrote:
    >> I get a testsuite failure with CVS maxima under gcl/windows.
    >> It reduces to
    >> (%i3) elliptic_ec(1.0b-1);
    >> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
    >> Error in BIGFLOAT-IMPL:EXPT [or a callee]: BIGFLOAT-IMPL:EXPT [or a
    >> callee] requires less than three arguments.
    David> False alarm.  Sorry.

    David> I refreshed my git repository, but used the old one by mistake.

No problems.  I'm glad this (and the other gcl issue) is working.
