latex output

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>wrote:

> On 2013-06-06, jiun bookworm <thebookworm101 at> wrote:
> > Im tying to render some output from maxima, and i found some libraries i
> > was using to convert  the ascii to mathml   inadequte, is there some
> maxima
> > "trick " to always get replies in latex?
> What library did you try for generating MathML output?

i was playing with  asciimathpython  and asciitomathml , both available on
i basically did :
 display2d: false$
and converted the output to mathml which i used to render in a browser, but
they seem to produce inacuarate  results for complex output, an example is
the result from the last command here is done wrong by those python

integrate(1/((x-3)^4+1/2), x);
changevar (%, x - 3 - y ,y ,x);
ev (%, integrate);

you can compare the tow images here of my render and wxmaxima's,LTMB9bx#0,LTMB9bx#1

i so i was hoping i could get the latex directly from maxima, rather than
introduce some intermediate step thats introducing regressions to my code.


> In what sense was
> it inadequate? There are a couple of share packages in Maxima for
> generating MathML, dunno if you tried those. Mostly I'm curious to know
> what you were hoping to find, and in what sense you didn't find it.
> best,
> Robert Dodier
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