cl-info patch

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Leo Butler <l_butler at>

> MAXIMA> (cl-info::load-primary-index)
> WARNING: Maxima is unable to set up the help system.
>          (Details: CL-INFO::LOAD-PRIMARY-INDEX: LOAD: A file with name
>          /usr/local/share/info/maxima-index.lisp does not exist)

OK by me.

> I would like to include some details of the error, because in most
> cases I would expect the error to arise from a Maxima built by a more
> knowledgeable user or developer (i.e., pre-built Maximas should never
> trip this particular error...).

Well, even for ordinary users, it makes sense to have some
detail since it is likely a configuration problem which could only
be solved by someone else if they have some info about it.


Robert Dodier