Newbie question: Simplifying rational inequality results

Hello list, hello Volker [1],

the command

solve_rat_ineq(ineq=abs(x-1)/abs(x-5) <= 1/3)


[[x == -1, -6 != 0, -6 != 0], [x == -1, -6 != 0, -6 != 0, -6 != 0], [x
== -1, -6 != 0, -6 != 0], [x == -1, -6 != 0, -6 != 0, -6 != 0], [x == 2,
-3 != 0, -3 != 0], [x == 2, -3 != 0, -3 != 0, -3 != 0], [x == 2, -3 !=
0, -3 != 0], [x == 2, -3 != 0, -3 != 0, -3 != 0], [x == 1], [1 < x, x
< 2], [-1 < x, x < 1]]

, which is a disjunctive normal form with unevaluated inequalities
(which are probably explained by [2] and therefore fixable by 'is()').

What's the best way to reduce this to the equivalent

[[-1 <= x, x <= 2]] ?

Should I implement a corresponding method by myself or is there some
functionality already available?

Currently my students still have to use Mathematica, which works as

In[1]:= Reduce[(2*Abs[-1 + x])/Abs[-5 + x] <= 2/3, {x}, Reals]
Out[1]= -1 <= x <= 2

Best regards,

[1] Volker van Nek is the author of solve_rat_ineq
