nonlinear curve from data

On 29.06.2013 21:19, Raymond Toy wrote:
> On 6/29/13 11:55 AM, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
>> Adam <adammaj1 at> writes:
>>> At the end it should be :
>>> I can do it using linear function , but then curve is not smooth. I
>>> would like to use nonlinear function.
>> I don't know whether Maxima has functions for smooth curve
>> fitting. Maybe other respondents can help you there. Hopefully the
>> following general pointers will be of some use to you:
> There's at least lbfgs and minpack_lsquares (and some Lagrange
> polynomial routine whose name I forget) to fit curves to data.
I have tried package interpol and cspline function

> But I
> think you'll have to remove the non-existent data from your data list
> yourself before using these routines.

OK, but when I remove this points then curve has a sharp bend

cspline(a)$ /* negative values are removed */
(%i9) f(x):=''%$
(%i10) draw2d(
         color      = red,
         key        = "Cubic splines",
         point_size = 3,
         color      = blue,
         key        = "Sample points",

It works but shape is different then expected

I think that I have to fill gaps earlier. In C :

// interpolated not computed ( negative values)
int FillGapsInRaysArray()

   // indexes of the array
   int i; // index of the pixel on the ray
   int iMini, iMaxi; // gap border
   int j; // index of the ray

   double dStep;
   int iStep;

   // fill empty values = change negative with positive !!!!!!!!!!
   // negative value = not filled = gaps
   // positive value = filled ( computed )

   // check  every ray
   for (j = 0; j < iPeriodChild ; j++)

       // start from 0 wher are negative values
       // because of slow dynamics
       // find first positive value
       while (RaysTurns[i][j]<0.0) i+=1;
       iMaxi = i;// here positive

       // copy first positive value  to all cells before it = straight line
       for (i=0; i<iMaxi; i++) RaysTurns[i][j] = RaysTurns[iMaxi][j];
       // go back
       i = iMaxi; // positive
       printf("in ray j= %d there is a gap from i= 0 to i= %d iStep = %d 
; \n",j,  iMaxi, iMaxi);
       // rest of the array
       do {
         // go thru all positive
         while (RaysTurns[i][j]>0.0 && i<iMaxDistance2Alfa-1) i+=1;
         iMini=i-1; // here is positive, lower border of the gap
         // here value is negative : RaysTurns[i][j]<0.0
         do i+=1; while (RaysTurns[i][j]<0.0 && i<iMaxDistance2Alfa-1  );
         iMaxi= i; // positive , upper border of the gap
         iStep= iMaxi-iMini;
         // step between RaysTurns[iMini][j] and RaysTurns[iMaxi][j]
         if (RaysTurns[iMaxi][j]>RaysTurns[iMini][j] )
           dStep = (RaysTurns[iMaxi][j]-RaysTurns[iMini][j])/iStep;
         else dStep = (RaysTurns[iMini][j]-RaysTurns[iMaxi][j])/iStep;
         // step between values
         if (iMaxi<iMaxDistance2Alfa-1 && RaysTurns[iMaxi-1][j]< 0.0) // 
array is numberd from 0 to ...
             printf("in ray j= %d there is a gap from i= %d to i= %d 
iStep = %d ; dStep = %f\n",j, iMini, iMaxi, iStep, dStep );
             // fill the gap
             i= iMini;
             // while (i<iMaxi-1) { i+=1; 
RaysTurns[i][j]=RaysTurns[iMini][j] + (i-iMini)*dStep;}
         else {
           printf("in ray j= %d there is a gap from i= %d to i= %d iStep 
= %d ; \n",j,  iMini, iMaxi, iStep);
           // copy last positive value  to all cells after it = straight 
           for (i=iMini+1; i<iMaxi; i++) RaysTurns[i][j] = 

       } while (i<iMaxDistance2Alfa);

     } // j

   return 0;
