odd bug in integrate: using x(t) instead of x get answer
Subject: odd bug in integrate: using x(t) instead of x get answer
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:25:08 -0700
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman at gmail.com> writes:
Richard> s: 1/sqrt(log(x)+a*x+b)
Richard> integrate(s,x) --> not integrated.
Richard> u: subst(x(t),x,s);
Richard> integrate(u,x(t)) --> integrated, but maybe nonsense.
Richard> The answer looks ok if a=b=0.
Richard> Also, if a=0, the integral can be done (correctly).
Interesting. I haven't looked at what maxima does when integrating u,
but the answer doesn't appear correct, based on a plot with some
random values for a and b.