png16m support

Hi Jaime

Actually, I just remembered, I didn't download Ghostscript from the link
below as that was version 9.00.  I went for the latest version 9.07 from
here <>;.  Version 9.00 was
the version specified at the imaxama
Perhaps I should have used the older version.  I'll give it a try and see
how it goes.



On 15 July 2013 21:46, Jon Waite <jonwaite10 at> wrote:

> Hi Jaime
> Thx for a quick response.
> I'm on Windows XP Home Edition 2002 SP3 and running Ghostscipt 9.07.  I
> downloaded Ghostscript as an executable from here<>;
> .
> Rgds
> Jon
> On 15 July 2013 09:45, Jaime Villate <villate at> wrote:
>> On 15-07-2013 05:58, Jon Waite wrote:
>>> From within Ghostscript I've done devicenames == and png16 is listed but
>>> not png16m.
>>> Is there a file that I can download/install that would provide png16m
>>> support?  I've searched the documentation and forums and can't find an
>>> answer.
>> What operating system do you use and what version of Ghostscript?
>> Usually, when you don't have one of the ghoscript devices it is because the
>> option needed to incorporate that driver was not selected when the program
>> was compiled.
>> Regards,
>> Jaime