
On 28-07-2013 00:25, Robert Dodier wrote:
> I don't
> know why someone would want plot2d(%pi, [%pi, 0, 1]) but if they want
> it, by gum, let them have it. (Incidentally, the right answer is this
> case is a diagonal line from (0,0) to (1,1) -- a constant 3.14 is
> incorrect.)
> ...
> At this point I'm not 100% in favor of one proposal or the other,
> although I am leaning toward gensym substitution. But I might change
> my mind.
I'm in favor of making plot2d(%pi, [%pi, 0, 1]) trigger an error. If 
plot2d(%pi, [%pi, 0, 1]) plotted a diagonal line, then plot2d(sqrt(2), 
[sqrt(2), 0, 1]) should also plot a diagonal line. As Stravos has 
pointed out, those who write plot2d(%pi, [%pi, 0, 1]), most surely are 
not aware that there is a predefined constant named %pi and an error 
would be a way of telling them that.