Window prts for Maxima

On 30/07/2013 11:24 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 2013-07-29, Jaime Villate <villate at> wrote:
>> If nobody has anything against it, I will modify plot.lisp in order to
>> use "gnuplot -persist file" in all operating systems (well, it is
>> actually "wgnuplot -persist file" in Windows) and write a note in
>> INSTALL.win32 to tell peaople to use Gnuplot 4.6.3 or later.
> The Windows installer bundles its own copy of Gnuplot, doesn't it?
> So I guess the Gnuplot version used by the installer has to be updated,
> right?
> Whether the installer bundles it or not -- OK by me to update plot.lisp
> & any documentation accordingly.
Yes.  The windows installer bundles gnuplot 4.6.3.  I will test the 
patch to plot.lisp and roll a new installer.