On 2013-07-30, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Now, there is a *principled* way of handling all this. In the
> *principled *approach,
> we don't integrate/ antidifferentiate expressions, but functions, e.g. the
> function lambda([%i],sqrt(-1)), and variables are really lexical, so we can
> freely rewrite this <textually> as lambda([anyvariable345], sqrt(-1)). The
> result is not an expression, but the function
> lambda([anyvariable345],sqrt(-1)*anyvariable345).
Yes, that is precisely what I'm thinking about.
> But what is the shorthand for the result? Can we sweep the functional
> nature under the rug?
Good question -- more about this below.
> They also seem to like things like ''(xxx) and expr:<this and
> so>; integrate(expr,x); where <this and so> is not explicitly a function,
> and is not in a lexical environment where 'x' is defined as a function
> argument.
At this point I am inclined to impose implicit lexical environments only
on those functions which seem to need them (integrate, sum, diff, etc).
I do understand that "seem to need them" is kind of wobbly; how would a
user know whether to expect lexical interpretation? I'll stagger forward
> One of the advantages of Maxima over more formal systems is that we don't
> force the user to over-formalize and to think about subtle stuff like this.
Well, we developers will do the subtle thinking on their behalf, right?
Perhaps a workable trade-off is to devise a lexical environment which
indicates that the variables within are not the ones by the same names
without, so if the user runs into a name collision, at least it is easy
to work around it. Perhaps (perhaps) something like this:
integrate (%pi^2, %pi);
=> oops: sorry brother, %pi's a constant
lexical_block ([%pi], integrate (%pi^2, %pi));
=> 1/3*%pi^3
Note that lexical_blocks can leak lexical symbols (as it does here) --
I know the Lisp/Scheme crowd has worried about that, but I don't
remember what's answer they arrived at. I would expect, at least, that
the %pi leaking out of lexical_block is not the same as the global %pi.
I think I posted an implementation of a lexical block some time ago --
I think I called it 'blex'.
About implicitly interpreting integrate, diff, etc in a lexical
environment, some functions (integrate, sum, plot2d, maybe others)
can't leak variables, so implicitly rewriting integrate(expr, x) to
lexical_block([x], integrate(expr, x)) seems safe in the sense that
the user can't later encounter a wandering x which is different from
every other x. But diff is different; it usually leaks a variable.
Implicitly rewriting diff(x^2, x) to lexical_block([x], diff(x^2, x))
=> 2*x where x is distinct from all similarly-named symbols seems
likely to lead to confusion. Not sure what to do there.
Robert Dodier