Bug(?) in maxima

I have a function that manipulates some complicated expressions a maxima
script generates.    In the function, I do several tests.  Here's a
sample code that shows what I do:

fcn(xx) := block
  if equal(xx, 0)  then
  print("equal shows that xx is zero") 
    print("equal doesn't show that xx is zero", xx),
  if xx=0 then   
       print("xx=0 test is true." ) 
    print("xx=0 test is false:", xx)


which gives:
(%i2) fcn(a);
xx=0 test is false: a 
(%o2)                                  a
(%i3) fcn(a-a);
equal shows that xx is zero 
xx=0 test is true. 
(%o3)                         xx=0 test is true.

Notice that the 1st test doesn't give any answer (it does if I add an
assume(a>0)).  Is this a syntax error on my part or is this a bug?