a problem with outative for some functions

On 2013-07-31, Sergey Litvinov <slitvinov at gmail.com> wrote:

> (%i7) declare(lsum, outative)$
> (%i8) lsum(-2*x(i), i, L);
> (%o8) 'lsum(-2*x(i),i,L)
> (%i9) declare(ilt, outative)$
> (%i10) ilt(-2*x(s), s, t);
> (%o10) 'ilt(-2*x(s),s,t)

Well, for better or worse, the outative declaration applies only to the
symbol you gave as an argument, but the expression returned is a noun
expression while the declared symbol was a verb. I find that

  declare (nounify (lsum), outative);

yields the expected result.

I don't know whether this counts as a bug, but it is certainly clumsy
and confusing.


Robert Dodier