Am 02.08.2013 17:50, schrieb Raymond Toy:
> You may have noticed that many times when you do a git pull to sync
> your local repo with the master, you get a merge commit. And then
> when you push your changes to the repo, there are many of these merge
> commits.
> While not really a problem, it does clutter the repo with extraneous
> merge commits. My friend pointed this out to me and said that we can
> get rid of these by doing one of several things:
> o Use git pull --rebase
> o Edit .git/config to have something like
> [branch "master"]
> remote = origin
> merge = refs/heads/master
> rebase = true
> o Add the following to ~/.gitconfig
> [branch]
> autosetuprebase = true
> It's not necessary to do this, but I think it makes the tree a little
> cleaner.
> Some links describing these issues:
> Ray
Mislav Marohni? (the second link) also recommends
git rebase -i @{u}
git push