1/0=inf, -1/0=minf

I've been playing with rational numbers which allow the denominator to be zero.  While
these don't solve the problem of continued fractions (discussed previously), they do
allow for the representation of +oo ("inf") and -oo ("minf"), and comparisons with them
work correctly.

x=xn/xd < y=yn/yd iff xn*yd < yn*xd.

If x=xn/xd is finite, then -1/0 < xn/xd and xn/xd < 1/0.

Proof.  -1*xd < 0*xn=0 and 0=xn*0 < 1*xd (xd>0 because x is finite).

(It's a bad idea to allow denominators to be negative, because it does screw up comparisons.)

The good news: k/0 = sign(k)/0, because gcd(k,0)=abs(k), so all versions of inf are = and all versions of minf are =.

The bad news: -1/0 = 1/0 (-1*0=1*0), so we don't have minf<inf.

We could cheat by using IEEE -0.0: -1*0.0 = -0.0 < 1*0.0 = +0.0.

Or we simply recognize this case specially, and force -1/0 < 1/0.

Perhaps Common Lisp err'ed in not allowing -1/0, 1/0.

Common Lisp desperately needs identities for min & max, so that
(min) = 1/0 = inf ('min' with 0 arguments) and
(max) = -1/0 = minf ('max' with 0 arguments).