Maxima and Macaulay2/Singular

On 8/13/2013 1:57 PM, andre maute wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am not really satisfied with algsys for solving/simplifying 
> polynomial equations.
> I have a set of polynomial equations (40 variables, 70 equations, 
> degree 4).
> I canceled Maxima after 10 hours of computation.
> This was on a recent machine, with 16 Gb given for the heap to sbcl.
> Then I extracted the polynomial set of equations, put it in a script 
> for Macaulay2,
> and the dim command of Macaulay told me, within some seconds, that 
> there were no solutions.
> Question:
> Does somebody know, if there is some functionality available,
> for calling Macaulay or e.g. Singular within Maxima?

There seem to be several possibilities here:

1. The algorithm used by Singular could used by Maxima by recoding in 
the Maxima language
or in Lisp.  (It could be that the data structures etc are so foreign to 
Lisp that it can't be done,
but that seems somewhat unlikely.)  A difference of more than 10 hours 
vs. some seconds
suggests they are just doing different computations entirely.

2. There could be a linkage to Macaulay2, if it can be called via a 
foreign function (FF) call
(possible from SBCL if there is a suitable connection into Macaulay2).  
Most lisps though
not GCL support FF).

I think there is the functionality but taking advantage of it requires 
finding someone
  who knows more about SBCL and Macaulay and FF .  Maybe you??