On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Alasdair McAndrew <amca01 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I'm using maxima 5.30.0, compiled from source, and I've byte-compiled
> the emacs-lisp files in /opt/maxima-5.30.0/interfaces/emacs/imaxima, and
> loaded imaxima.elc from that directory, but still the same error. And in
> neither imaxima.el nor mactex.lisp can I find the variable TEX-MLABEL.
The function TEX-MLABEL should be in imaxima.lisp.
> There is the line
> in sys-proclaim.lisp, but I don't know whether this has any bearing on my
> error or not.
Pretty sure that doesn't affect imaxima.
> And my .emacs file contains the line
> (load "/opt/maxima-5.30.0/interfaces/emacs/imaxima/imaxima.elc")
I found a couple of notes from a previous discussion that
are relevant:
(1) Emacs load-path must point into the Maxima installation directory so
that M-x imaxima loads that version of imaxima. My .emacs says:
(push "/usr/share/maxima/5.29.1/emacs" load-path)
(2) the Maxima program launched by imaxima-maxima-program
(in imaxima.el) must be that same installed Maxima program.
The default value is "maxima" (sans path) so the installed Maxima
must be the one which you get if you enter "maxima" at the shell
prompt. Apparently you can change imaxima-maxima-program in
Emacs; someone posted instructions for that. I'll dig it out if you need it.
Robert Dodier