When Does quad_qagi Evalute?

>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> writes:

    Stavros> The basic problem seems to be that quad_qagi returns
    Stavros> error codes (fourth element of the return value) instead
    Stavros> of following standard Maxima conventions and throwing an
    Stavros> error. ?Useful behavior in some contexts, but not in
    Stavros> plotting....

You're right.  When this was written, there was no consensus on what
do to with the error codes.  Perhaps we have a consensus now?

In the particular case at hand, the return code is not the problem.
It's that a noun form is returned without any indication of why.  I
think functions intended to return numerical results should signal an
error (or warning) when it can on why a numerical result cannot be
