Problem with draw2d and svg terminal: dots are always red crcles

>>>>> "SF" == Stefano Ferri <ferriste at> writes:

SF> I'm trying to export some plots to svg images with the svg terminal,
SF> but I have a problem: when I plot points as dots, they are always
SF> represented as small red circles. Here there is an example:

I tried that and got a plot w/o any dots (based on the 'zilla and
inkview renderings).

I also tried with terminal=pdf (aka pdfcairo, in my gnuplot install);
the result was what I presume you wanted.

The text color="red" does appear in a <g> element in the svg, but every
sub-element specifies rgb(  0,   0, 255).

It looks like the bug is either in gnuplot's svg terminal, or in the svg
viewer you use.  I can't tell which w/o a long read through the svg spec.

I use gnuplot cvs HEAD.

James Cloos <cloos at>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6