Scope, assumptions, asksign, context. Was Re: Bug in Maxima 5.30.0

For linear inequations (=, < <=, =/=), Fourier-Motzkin elimination (basically Gauss elimination on inequations) can correctly deduce the
sign of any linear expression (actually determine lower and upper bounds). The fact database could save the triangularized inequations
so appending a new fact could be done relatively quickly. Forgetting a fact might require re-building the triangularized inequations from

Maxima allows nonlinear assumptions (for example assume(bessel_j(x,x)> 42)). Deciding how to handle such assumptions is a puzzle.



I agree ... there is a lot to be done in this area.  The work splits up logically into three parts:

* Scope of identifiers
* Scope of assumptions
* Core mathematical inference