El mi?, 04-09-2013 a las 17:30 +0000, Leo Butler escribi?:
> My preference is to have the frontend behave as a frontend, with
> options and names that are similar.
I understand.
> Let me say, though, that I *really* do like the abstraction layer
> provided in Octave, where you can have multiple figures and add things
> to a figure without having to start over. This is quite useful in
> generating plots with labels, arrows, etc. that are added
> interactively. Draw provides part of this layer, but one cannot add
> things without starting over, and adding things interactively is not
> possible (I believe).
There is a mechanism based on function 'multiplot_mode'. You have an
example here:
(You must use gnuplot.lisp from the repository, since previous version
was incompatible with Gnuplot 4.6. Changes commited some minutes ago.)
I'm not sure this procedure fits your needs.
> One last thing: while your documentation page is great, it would be
> really nice if it were possible to annotate ('tag') it, because the
> examples often provide solutions to more than one question.
I know the help pages are a bit chaotic and they need some indexing, now
that they have grown a lot. This was already in the todo list.
> Regards,
> Leo