I wonder when it is appropriate to use use cond vs. case,ecase,...
case compares using eql, which is slower than string=
For example:
(cond ((string= item "string1") forms1)
((string= item "string2") forms2)
(case item
("string1" forms1)
("string2" forms2)
(I) may be faster than (II), but (II) may be
more clear and less error-prone than (I).
This is a general lisp question, but googling for a bit
turned up nothing. One could write case-string=.
My guess is that, in practice, the penalty for
using eql has not been significant.
In the sbcl source, case, ecase, tyepecase, etc. are
defined more-or-less like this:
(defmacro case (keyform &body cases)
(case-body 'case keyform cases t 'eql nil nil nil))
The code to generate the bodies is somewhat involved,
but is mostly error checking.
> (case-body 'mycase 'keyform '((1 1) (2 2)) t '= nil nil nil)
(LET ((#:G1424768 KEYFORM))
(COND ((= #:G1424768 '1) NIL 1) ((= #:G1424768 '2) NIL 2)))