Here is a hack to improve output in maxima, imaxima, and texmacs
Currently, maxima does this:
(%i1) tex(make_array(fixnum,2));
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
The value #(0 0) is not of type SYMBOL.
Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
The same thing happens when the argument is a graph
from the graphs package, or an array expression from the aex
imaxima fails to print these for the same reason.
One solution is to change tex-atom in src/mactex.lisp
and add a function from imaxima.lisp (which may have been
borrowed from somewhere else.):
edit src/mactex.lisp
(defun verb-quote (str)
(let ((var "") (charlist
'((#\Newline . "| \\\\ \\verb| "))))
(dotimes (i (length str))
(let ((chari (elt str i)))
(setq var (concatenate 'string var
(or (cdr (assoc chari charlist :test #'eql))
(string chari))))))
(defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ?
(append l
(list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x))
((and (symbolp x) (or (get x 'texword) (get (get x
'reversealias) 'texword))))
((stringp x)
(tex-string (quote-% (if $stringdisp
(concatenate 'string "``" x "''") x))))
((characterp x) (tex-char x))
((not ($mapatom x))
(verb-quote ($sconcat x)))
(t (tex-stripdollar (or (get x 'reversealias) x)))))
This allows tex(), to print something reasonable for all
each of the objects mentioned above. I did not test it
carefully to see what it might break.
Another solution, which only changes imaxima.lisp, is:
edit imaxima.lisp
(defun tex-atom (x l r &aux other-case) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by
leaving out {}s ?
(let ((result (append l
(list (cond ((mstringp x) (texstring x))
((characterp x) (texchar x))
(t (setq other-case t))))
(if other-case
(if (not ($mapatom x))
(setf x (list (verb-quote ($sconcat x))))
(tex-list x l r 'mparen))
(funcall *old-tex-atom* x l r))
This allows printing these objects with imaxima, but not with
the original tex().
wxmaxima has a different way of printing something, rather than an
error with these objects. In some cases, its solution is better, and
in some worse, than SOLUTION A, depending on the value of display2d,
and the kind of object.
I did some quick checks of SOLUTION A with different settings of
display2d for command line, wxmaxima, imaxima, texmacs. In each case,
either something reasonable is printed rather than an error, or there
is no change. In other words, for the cases I tried, SOLUTION A,
improves many cases, and worsens none. In the case of imaxima, the best
is to combine both SOLUTION A and SOLUTION B.
But, I don't claim this is bug free or near an optimal solution.
-- John