Windows installer with another lisp. Which should I choose?

I am interested. I wonder which ones are available ?
ccl is still a good option even if it only works on
machines built in this millenium... I mean, it doesn't
preclude using gcl builds. In fact, more is better. I
test things with 6 or 7 lisps, and sometimes only one of
them will find a bug in my code. This effect would be
compounded by the large number of win32 users.
My first choice is sbcl, then ccl. The long answer
to why is below:

I wrote maxima interfaces (avaiable in the mext
packages, but they could be added to stock maxima)
for the following. Mostly tested on linux, but I
tested some on the ccl build of 5.25 (I think)

quicklisp : does *not* work with with gcl, cmucl.
  quicklisp allows easily installing lisp libraries
  from the internet.

cl-store : does *not* work with gcl, ecl, cmucl.
   requires quicklisp.
   This allows reading/writing objects to binary files that
   would otherwise not be possible.
   Eg. `graphs' uses lisp structs

  (%i1) load(mext)$
  (%i2) require(store)$
  (%i3) load(graphs)$
  (%i4) c : petersen_graph();
  (%o4)                    GRAPH(10 vertices, 15 edges)
  (%i5) store("pgraph.cls", c);
  (%o5)                                done
  (%i6) d : restore("pgraph.cls");
  (%o6)                    GRAPH(10 vertices, 15 edges)

Furthermore, cl-store with clisp can store *fewer*
kinds of objects than the two remaining lisps (ccl,sbcl). For instance,
it cannot store graph structures.

cffi : only works for me with sbcl and ccl
  I wrote a maxima interface for the
  prime counting function.
  But this requires openmp, which I was not able to
  find for mingw, so I never got it work with windows.
  When I wrote it, it was more powerful (because of
  the library and tables, not the interface) than
  Mathematica and Sage. It would be nice to have
  it working on windows.


On 09/19/2013 05:01 AM, David Billinghurst wrote:
>  I am considering making an experimental windows installer with an 
alternate lisp.
>  An recommendations on which lisp should I try? I have successfully 
built windows binaries with most of the free lisps that work on windows, 
but haven't built an installer with anything but gcl.
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