tex, imaxima, lisp objects


Here is a patch for tex(). It modifies src/mactex.lisp.
I tested it by starting maxima 5.31.0, loading the modified
source file, then running the entire testsuite. This is
with sbcl/linux.

There is a lot of room for improvement, but this is
a good stop-gap.

I could not really see where to put an rtest. But this is
what it does.

(%i2) tex(make_array('fixnum,2));
$$"{Lisp Array: #(0 0)}"$$

instead of

(%i1) tex(make_array('fixnum,2));
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

  The value #(0 0) is not of type SYMBOL.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.


On 09/22/2013 09:05 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
>  On 2013-09-22, John Lapeyre <lapeyre.math122a at gmail.com> wrote:
> > (%i1) tex(make_array(fixnum,2));
> > $$
> > Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> >
> > The value #(0 0) is not of type SYMBOL.
>  OK, well, that's a bug. We can certainly do better.
> > One solution is to change tex-atom in src/mactex.lisp
> > and add a function from imaxima.lisp (which may have been
> > borrowed from somewhere else.):
>  Can you present the proposed solution as a diff with respect to the
>  version which was used to build whatever binary you are executing?
>  It will help others understand exactly what is being changed.
>  If you are working with Git, then git diff shows the change. If you are
>  modifying some source code and reloading it or something like that, then
>  keep the original in some file and use command-line diff as:
>  diff -u foo.lisp foo.lisp-original
>  or whatever. 'diff' is usually present in Unix-like systems. If you are
>  working on MS Windows, you can get 'diff' as part of Cygwin or MinGW.
>  Nota bene: My experience with Cygwin has been pretty painful as it tries
>  to redefine a bunch of stuff to make your Windows environment Unix-like,
>  which inevitably fails, leading to a randomly messed up environment.
>  I don't really have a recommendation, except to switch to something other
>  than Windows if you can. As ever, YMMV.
>  best
>  Robert Dodier
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