On 27-09-2013 09:53, Sean Lake wrote:
> I have a function, f2d, defined in the following steps:
> f( x, l ) := quad_qagi( t^x * exp(-t) * log(t), t, l, inf )[1];
> f1d(x, l) := f(x, l )/ gamma(x+1) - f(x, 0) * gamma_incomplete(x+1, l) / gamma(x+1)^2;
> f2d( s, d, l1, l2) := f1d( (s+d)/2, l1 ) * f1d( (s-d)/2, l2 ) / 4;
> Now, up to this point I can get Maxima to perform the numerical evaluation, eg
> f2d( 4, -2, 2, 3), numer;
> gives:
> .01481272382896876
> If I try to integrate f2d, though, maxima balks. For example:
> quad_qagi( f2d(4, d, 2, 3), d, minf, inf );
> refuses to evaluate. How do I get Maxima to perform this evaluation?
you have to pass a one-argument function to quad_qagi; this is supposed
to work:
f3d(d) := float(f2d( 4, d, 2, 3))
quad_qagi( '(f3d(d)), d, minf, inf )
but you first have to solve a problem with f1d (if x is a negative
integer, gamma(x+1) is undefined) and perhaps some other problems (I
have not looked carefully to your functions).