Gnuplot 4.6 - Missing Files

David Billinghurst <dbmaxima <at>> writes:

> On 28/09/2013 5:36 PM, Wilhelm Haager wrote:
> > Sorry, but that does not work for me.
> > When I try to load the package "draw", wxMaxima hangs.
> > (I'm using WindowsXP).
> >
> > The command-line version of Maxima works fine.
> >
> > Wilhelm
> It works for me with wxmaxima and xmaxima on Windows XP.  It is one of 
> the things I test.  However, I have had another report of the same 
> problem from Jean-Fran?ois Maurel.
> Does compile work?
> f(x):=x+2;
> compile(f);

Yes, that works.

> Are there any files in C:/Documents and 
> Settings/username/maxima/binary/binary-gcl/share/draw/  (or 
> equivalent)?  You can see the path from the command line maxima.
> If so, does deleting them help?
Yes, thea are a couple of files, obviously compiled object files
with the extension ".o".

Loading of package "draw" actually works, but the compilation
requires almost 5 minutes,
every time again, when the package is loaded - that is not satisfactory. 
(I just had not awaited the completion of the loading before).
During the compilation a huge ammount of messages is produced;
supposedly without any benefit for the user

Regards, Wilhelm