On 09/28/2013 05:52 PM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Richard Fateman <fateman at gmail.com>
> ...
> As an example, (z^2)^(1/2) in Mathematica just stays the same.
> I think that is better than what Maxima gives, which is abs(z).
> This is under user control:
> radexpand:false => (z^2)^(1/2)
> radexpand:true => abs(z)
> radexpand:all => z
There is also the following:
(%i2) domain;
(%o2) real
(%i3) sqrt(z^2);
(%o3) abs(z)
(%i4) (z^2)^(1/2);
(%o4) abs(z)
(%i5) (z^3)^(1/3);
(%o5) z
(%i6) (-z^3)^(1/3);
(%o6) -z
(%i7) (-1)^(1/3);
(%o7) -1
Following is consistent with assuming
(-x)^(1/3) --> - x^(1/3) for positive x
(%i8) expr:sqrt((4*x^(1/3)-x^((-1)/3)/16)^2+1)$
(%i9) float(integrate(expr,x,0,512)+integrate(expr,x,-8,0));
(%o9) 12342.375
(%i10) domain:'complex$
(%i11) sqrt(z^2);
(%o11) sqrt(z^2)
(%i12) (z^2)^(1/2);
(%o12) sqrt(z^2)
(%i13) (z^3)^(1/3);
(%o13) (z^3)^(1/3)
(%i14) (-z^3)^(1/3);
(%o14) (-z^3)^(1/3)
(%i15) (-1)^(1/3);
(%o15) (-1)^(1/3)
Following is correct if we assume the ^(1/3) means
the 'principle' cube root. This is what Mathematica,
lisp, C, (Fortran?), etc. assume. (Note it can be done in
one call with no questions asked.)
(%i16) float(rectform(integrate(expr,x,-8,512)));
(%o16) 41.24445985523388*%i+12318.1875
The documentation for `domain' only mentions sqrt, so I assumed
it had no effect on ^, but in fact it does. I don't know
what to do in more complicated situations, where some quantities
are complex and some are real and you want to reals mapped
to reals.
Then there is this:
(%i1) domain:'real$
(%i2) declare(z,complex)$
(%i3) f(x):=sqrt((4*x^(1/3)-x^((-1)/3)/16)^2+1)$
This makes sense.
(%i4) (z^2)^(1/2);
(%o4) sqrt(z^2)
But, following chooses one root.
(%i5) (z^3)^(1/3);
(%o5) z
Following, as before, assumes (-x)^(1/3) --> -(x)^(1/3)
for postive x.
(%i6) float(rectform(integrate(f(x),x,-8,0)))
(%o6) 48.375
Following is correct if we assume, with
rest of the world, that sqrt means principle
square root.
(%i7) float(rectform(integrate(f(x),x,0,8)))
(%o7) 48.375
Following: I can't come up with an explantion for what
maxima is thinking.
(%i8) float(rectform(integrate(f(z),z,-8,0)))
(%o8) -48.375
Following is ok.
(%i9) float(rectform(integrate(f(z),z,0,8)))
(%o9) 48.375
Following is reasonable. Setting domain
to complex makes operations with z
behave just as they would if we had
not declared z complex.
(%i10) domain:'complex
(%i11) (z^2)^(1/2)
(%o11) sqrt(z^2)
(%i12) (-z^3)^(1/3)
(%o12) (-z^3)^(1/3)
Following all agree with standard
definitions of principle square and cube roots.
(%i13) float(rectform(integrate(f(x),x,-8,0)))
(%o13) 41.24445985523388*%i+24.1875
(%i14) float(rectform(integrate(f(x),x,0,8)))
(%o14) 48.375
(%i15) float(rectform(integrate(f(z),z,-8,0)))
(%o15) 41.24445985523388*%i+24.1875
(%i16) float(rectform(integrate(f(z),z,0,8)))
(%o16) 48.375
Likewise doing
behaves the same as if we did not declare(z,real)$
Another example:
(%i2) domain:complex$
The following gives a form which is always correct, but
does not choose a root.
(%i3) (-3)^(1/3);
(%o3) (-1)^(1/3)*3^(1/3)
Here the principle root of (3.0)^(1/3)
is chosen, but that is not controversial.
(%i4) (-3.0)^(1/3);
(%o4) 1.442249570307408*(-1)^(1/3)
rectform chooses the principle root
(%i5) rectform((-1)^(1/3));
(%o5) sqrt(3)*%i/2+1/2
In summary, for the things I tried here: declare(z,complex) does not
seem consistent. domain:complex, chooses standard definitions of
principle roots and overrides declare. But, the
principle root is chosen, more or less, only when a
choice is forced.
To at least some extent, Mathematica behaves
as if domain:complex were in effect. It also
does not choose a root on evaluating
(-1)^(1/3). But ComplexExpand chooses the principle
root, just as rectform does. Mathematica provides
CubeRoot and Surd for getting the real roots, but
this is only in the latest edition.