second(), third(), ...

On 10/03/2013 02:33 PM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
>  Thanks for the improvement. I don't think you need to publish changes 
like this to the whole mailing list. This is an optimization which 
doesn't change the black-box behavior of the function.
>  But since you have published it, I'll comment on it...: It's probably 
not worth your while to make nano-optimizations like this. Though having 
'first' be fast on long lists (which it already is) is probably somewhat 
useful, saving 5mS on second(<long list>) is unlikely to matter to any 
real program.

Maybe attaching a patch to a wishlist bug report (or low level bug or
whatever) is more appropriate? I'd be happy to take that approach.

Now that I think about it: A while ago, I published a limit for a
special function. There's not much to talk about there. I could have
sent that via the bug page. But, I looked at the list and saw that
others had published patches, so I went ahead.

But in the case at hand, I know that people have very different
opinions on optimization. So maybe it's useful for the
proposal to be visible.


>  -s
>  On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:19 AM, John Lapeyre 
<lapeyre.math122a at> wrote:
>  Greetings,
>  second(), third(), etc. traverse the entire expression. But, they
>  don't need to. Here is a change that fixes that.
>  Example:
>  a:create_list(i,i,1,10^6)$
>  before change:
>  for i:1 thru 100 do second(a);
>  Evaluation took 0.4900 seconds (0.4860 elapsed)
>  after change:
>  for i:1 thru 100 do second(a);
>  Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed)
>  If it is decided that it should be applied, I can
>  make the patch. But someone else can do it, too.
>  Note especially that
>  (make-nth second 2)
>  was changed to
>  (make-nth second 1), etc.
>  --------
>  (macrolet ((make-nth (si i)
>  (let ((sim (intern (concatenate 'string "$" (symbol-name si)))))
>  `(defmfun ,sim (e)
>  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) ',sim nil)
>  (handler-case
>  (elt (margs e) ,i)
>  (error ()
>  (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: no such element in ~M") ',sim e)))))))
>  ; (if (< (length (margs e)) ,i)
>  ; (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: no such element in ~M") ',sim e))
>  ; (,si (margs e))))))
>  (make-nth second 1)
>  (make-nth third 2)
>  (make-nth fourth 3)
>  (make-nth fifth 4)
>  (make-nth sixth 5)
>  (make-nth seventh 6)
>  (make-nth eighth 7)
>  (make-nth ninth 8)
>  (make-nth tenth 9))
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