second(), third(), ...

On 2013-10-03, John Lapeyre <lapeyre.math122a at> wrote:

> Maybe attaching a patch to a wishlist bug report (or low level bug or
> whatever) is more appropriate? I'd be happy to take that approach.

Well, unfortunately the requested features tracker on the SF project
page doesn't get much traffic. So in order to bring any attention to
the proposal, one has to post the proposal on the mailing list. 
But the tracker is better for preserving the proposal so that it is
easily found again (otherwise one has to trawl the mailing list
archive). A compromise, dunno if it works for you, is to post the
proposed patch to the tracker and refer to it in discussion on the
mailing list.

> Now that I think about it: A while ago, I published a limit for a
> special function. There's not much to talk about there. I could have
> sent that via the bug page. But, I looked at the list and saw that
> others had published patches, so I went ahead.

The bug tracker does get substantial traffic, so in that case I would
say it's better to attach the patch to the bug report.

> But in the case at hand, I know that people have very different
> opinions on optimization. So maybe it's useful for the
> proposal to be visible.



Robert Dodier