On 2013-10-03, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Maxima has supported length/first/rest etc. on non-lists forever. It may
> be a bad idea, but it is an old bad idea. The (potentially huge ***)
> overhead of reformatting with nformat is certainly an argument against it,
> but it is also an argument against using op/part/args with inflag=false.
> With inpart=false, treating the rational number 2/3 as different from the
> division a/3 is just torturing the poor user, who reasonably expects
> consistency. Functions like part are supposed to reflect the external form
> of the expression; after all, *neither* 2/3 ((rat) 2 3) *nor* a/3 ((mtimes)
> $a ((mexpt) 3 -1)) has op=mquotient internally.
> As for floats, TeX and wxMaxima do display them as 1.23*10^45, so it would
> make sense to treat decompose them that way; but other platforms don't....
First and foremost let's make part / length / args etc consistent --
that they all agree as to what's an atom and what's nonatomic, and
that they can be described as being expressible in terms of each other
(e.g. op is identical to part 0, and args is identical to part 1 through
length of the expression; op of an atom is always the type of the atom,
or never, but we choose one or the other; etc).
Whether there are some minor use cases supported by such operations is
a secondary question -- first of all let's make these operations
Robert Dodier