Maxima 5.31.2 tagged & packaged


Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

> On 2013-10-08, David Billinghurst <dbmaxima at> wrote:
>>> $ wine ./maxima.exe
>>> Can't recognize 'C:/msys/1.0/local/src/gcl-2.6.8pre-2013-01-01/unixport/msys /tmp/ out8 tmp8 log8' as an internal or external command, or batch script.
>> No idea.  "C:/msys/1.0/local/src/gcl-2.6.8pre-2013-01-01/unixport" is 
>> the directory that contains the gcl binary I used to build maxima.
> Grepping through the GCL source, I see that it is emitted by detect_wine
> in o/unixsys.c, which tries to execute the program 'msys' defined in
> unixport/msys.c. I don't understand what's going on there. For the
> moment I'll just put it aside.

Just wanted to know if you saw my reply on this from ~ 10/9.  I thought
I sent to both you and gcl-devel -- the latter at least has it.

In my experience, wine is quite convenient.  It would be interesting to
list cases if any where testing against wine missed bugs that showed up
on real windows.

Take care,
Camm Maguire			     		    camm at
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah