Dear Master

Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "maryam" == maryam shamssolary <shamssolary at> writes:
>     maryam> Dear Master
>     maryam> I am a young researcher in numerical linear algebra. For some
calculations, I used your "Maxima"
>     maryam> software. But I have some problems with some commands such as:
>     maryam> ?integrate(1/(r+s*x+t*x^2)*1/sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1);
>     maryam> give me this message:?
>     maryam> "Is? "4*r*t-s^2"? positive, negative, or zero?"
>     maryam> I tried different answers but did not?! What do you suggest?
> Maxima cannot do all integrals of this form. It appears that maxima
> can only do this if t*x^2+s*x+r has real roots. The case for complex
> roots is not handled. This is why maxima is asking for the sign of
> 4*r*t-s^2. The roots are real if 4*r*t-s^2 is zero or negative.
> After this maxima may ask many more questions as it breaks the
> original integral into two new integrals. I find the questions hard to
> answer. :-(
> You might get a feel for what is going on by using some numerical
> values for r, s, and t.
> Sorry that maxima can't easily produce an answer for you.
> Ray

By the way i have tried with maple and mathematica which all give very
complicated answers. So i have tried to find something simpler by hand.

Suppose you know the roots of r+s*x+t*x^2. Then you can as well replace
that by (x-a)*(x-b).

The inverse of which can be written as

This reduces the problem to one that maxima easily handles:

(%i3) integrate(1/(x-a)*1/sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1);
Is  a - 1  positive, negative, or zero?

                               2 %pi sqrt(a  - 1)
(%o3)                        - ------------------
                                    2 a  - 2
If you answer n; you have some more sign questions, for example:

(%i2) integrate(1/(x-a)*1/sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1);
Is  a - 1  positive, negative, or zero?

Is  a + 1  positive, negative, or zero?

Principal Value
                                 2                           2
                log(2) sqrt(1 - a )   log(2 - 4 a) sqrt(1 - a )
(%o2)           ------------------- - -------------------------
                       2                        2
                      a  - 1                   a  - 1

As you can see these formulas require appropriate signs for the arguments
of the logs to be "correct" in an elementary sense. Are they true? I
don't know. For exemple in the second case one has -1<a<1 so for
1/2<a<1 one has 2-4*a <0 which renders the formula highly suspect.

Michel Talon