1)thanks, and 2)automatic proves of identities with elliptic functions?
Subject: 1)thanks, and 2)automatic proves of identities with elliptic functions?
From: Igor Korepanov
Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:52:39 +0400
I would like to thank Volker van Nek, Richard Fateman, Robert Dodier and especially Stavros Macrakis for the patient replies to my question. This latter just showed, of course, my gross ignorance concerning how decimal numbers are represented in a computer. As a partial excuse, I must say that I found myself, and *before* receiving these answers, Maxima command "rationalize", and discovered that my mysterious number 3.45678901229999979... had the denominator exactly 2^47 :D
Now one more question. My current aim is actually to (guess correctly - this is done already - and then) prove a certain identity between Jacobi elliptic functions. That my identity does hold, there is no doubt - because numeric calculations with any precision (and randomly chosen parameters) show this. And I know from a book entitled "A=B" by Petkov?ek, Wilf and Zeilberger that identities with elliptic functions are proved, in our enlightened age, automatically - but using, alas, Maple or Mathematica. So, my obvious question is - what about Maxima?