draw package: grid

El 13/11/13 12:23, jfrm.maurel at gmail.com escribi?:
> Hi,
> Using draw I would like to see the grid on all parts of the figure.
> I need to make fill_color transparent or to have the grid on top level.
> Could you please tell me if there is a way to do that ?
> build_info: (version="5.31.2",timestamp="2013-10-07 
> 23:05:06",host="i686-pc-mingw32",lisp_name="GNU Common Lisp 
> (GCL)",lisp_version="GCL 2.6.8")
> windows 7 (64) and wxmaxima
> Regards
> reset()$
> kill(all)$
> J:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,20,25,30]$
> M:[58,57,55,53,49,41,34,31,28,27,26,25,24]$
> m:[48,40,33,24,22,20]$
> load(interpol)$
> load(draw)$
>  pM:makelist([J[i],M[i]],i,1,min(length(J),length(M)))$
>  fM(x):=''cspline(pM)$
>  pm:makelist([J[i],m[i]],i,1,min(length(J),length(m)))$
>  fm(x):=''cspline(pm)$
>  c:gr2d(
>   grid = true,
>   xlabel = "J (mm)",
>   ylabel = "H",
>   fill_color = green,
>   color      = red,
>   xrange = [0,max(J[length(m)],J[length(M)])],
>   filled_func = true,
>   explicit(fM(x),x,J[1],J[6]),
>   filled_func = false,
>   explicit(fM(x),x,J[6],J[length(M)]),
>   point_size = 3,
>   color      = blue,
>   points(pM),
>   color      = red,
>   filled_func = true,
>   fill_color = white,
>   explicit(fm(x),x,J[1],J[length(m)]),
>   point_size = 3,
>   color      = blue,
>   points(pm)
>  )$
> draw(c)$


user_preamble="set grid front"

somewhere in the description of the scene.
