[newbie] trying to simplify goniometric expression

Maybe you shoud try use %pi and not %PI



In data 21 novembre 2013 alle ore 10:40:04, Hugo Coolens  
<hugo.coolens at kuleuven.be> ha scritto:

> I defined the following function:
> phicalp(m,omega):=-sum(atan(omega/(4*(cos((k*%PI)/(2*m+1)))^2)),k,1,m);
> I expected that the following "test-expression" should give me "-omega"  
> as a result:
> ratsimp(tan(phicalp(1,omega))),trigexpand=super;
> however maxima doesn't seem to simplify the denominator to one:
>                                        omega
> (%o2)                            - -----------
>                                          2 %PI
>                                     4 cos (---)
>                                             3
> Which is the correct approach for this kind of simplification?
> thanks in advance
> hugo
> p.s. accept my apologies if this message is posted twice. Since my email  
> address was changed recently, the message was initially refused, so I  
> had to change my subscription email address to the new one
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