Subject: composing HTML documents with text + Maxima stuff
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:51:25 -0800
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
Robert> I'm interested in composing HTML documents, to be displayed on the
Robert> Interwebs, comprising text and Maxima input and output. I know that
Robert> wxMaxima exports sessions to HTML, but from what I can tell, output
Robert> is always exported as images and plots are always exported as png --
Robert> I'd like to try MathML for Maxima output and svg for plots; I think
Robert> those would be better for web pages. I suppose it would be
My limited understanding is that MathML isn't very well
supported. (Firefox supports it reasonably well, but gets some things
wrong; Chrome doesn't at all. Don't know about any others.) SVG
support isn't great in browsers either.
The web pages I've seen with nice display of math seem to use
MathJax ( Pages with nice plots sometimes use flot
( Both of these use Javascript. I've never used
MathJax. I've used flot for some simple plotting of data; it's fairly
easy, even if you don't know very much Javascript.