> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:36:16 -0500
> From: Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu>
> What problem are you trying to solve? Is there a bug you're trying to fix?
> A change/extension you'd like to program? Or are you just trying to
> understand the system?
> -s
Good questions. I am writing code that processes a source file
containing blocks of Maxima code enclosed in special delimited blocks,
evaluates the Maxima code and replaces the blocks with output from the
computation. These steps are controlled by a function associated with
the block.
While this may seem simple, like a job for awk/perl &co., the longer I
think about doing the job well, the more it looks like one needs to
write a Maxima parser in that scripting language. Aside from the fact
that there are a number of such efforts out there (pmaxima,
doc/info/update_examples, etc.), it seems advantageous to do the job
in Maxima.
Here are some other related applications, ideas:
-the parser tokenizes the input stream, which could be fed back to do
syntax highlighting on the fly--if the parser were keeping track of
its state
-currently, an empty input line
causes an error. I'd like to change this, but the naive thing to do
means that
no longer causes a syntax error.
-At the moment, syntax errors are reported through parse-synerr. It
does a relatively poor job, because the parser's state is not
well-known. For example, it does not report line numbers in the input
source, just the file-position.