On 05-12-2013 15:25, Leo Butler wrote:
> Here is a thought: Emacs' info-mode has its own info parser that
> assembles the information needed. Since maxima-index.lisp is packaged
> with Maxima, some small amount of elisp hacking would let us use
> info-mode's tools to create maxima-index.lisp.
> ...
> My suggestion would be to replace the existing Perl build_index.pl
> with a bit of elisp code to run the relevant bits of info-mode and
> export the data structure in a format suitable for maxima-index.lisp.
I'm in favor of this proposal. The current method is too complicated,
takes too
much time and (at least in my case) it is frustrating not being able to
look up
the manual after all that trouble.
Also, as a translator I have given up the translation job because it is
very hard to
write in a foreign language without being able to use UTF8 characters.
Not to
mention that the PDF version of the documentation produced by Texinfo is
I could do much better with a simple Wiki.
Why do the binary files that describe() opens have to be rebuilt by
Couldn't they be placed in the Sourceforge files area for those who are not
willing to spend the two hours it takes to build them in the Raspberry